Troubleshooting Guide: Samsung Galaxy A12 Not Connecting to WiFi

Samsung Galaxy A12

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to help you resolve the problem of your Samsung Galaxy A12 not connecting to WiFi.

1.Check WiFi Network and Router

Before diving into the troubleshooting steps, it’s essential to ensure that the problem lies with your Samsung Galaxy A12 and not the WiFi network or router. Follow these steps:

1.1 Verify WiFi Network Availability

Make sure the WiFi network you’re trying to connect to is working correctly. Check if other devices can connect to the same network without any issues. This will help determine if the problem is specific to your Samsung Galaxy A12.

1.2 Restart the Router

Sometimes, routers can experience temporary glitches that may prevent your smartphone from connecting to the WiFi network. Try restarting your router by unplugging it from the power source, waiting for a few seconds, and plugging it back in. Allow the router to reboot completely before attempting to connect your Galaxy A12 to the WiFi network again.

2. Basic Troubleshooting Steps

If the WiFi network and router are functioning correctly, proceed with these basic troubleshooting steps:

2.1 Turn WiFi On/Off

Start by toggling the WiFi functionality on your Samsung Galaxy A12. Swipe down from the top of the screen to access the Quick Settings panel and tap on the WiFi icon to turn it off. Wait for a few seconds and toggle it back on. This action helps refresh the WiFi connection and may resolve the issue.

2.2 Restart Your Samsung Galaxy A12

Perform a simple restart on your smartphone to clear any temporary glitches that may be affecting the WiFi connection. Press and hold the power button until the power menu appears, then tap on “Restart” or “Reboot.” Once the device restarts, try connecting to the WiFi network again.

3. Forget and Reconnect to the WiFi Network

If the basic troubleshooting steps didn’t resolve the issue, try forgetting the WiFi network on your Samsung Galaxy A12 and reconnecting to it:

3.1 Forget the WiFi Network

Go to your device’s Settings, locate the “Connections” or “Network & Internet” section, and tap on “WiFi.” Find the WiFi network you’re having trouble with and long-press on its name. From the options that appear, select “Forget” or “Forget Network.”

3.2 Reconnect to the WiFi Network

After forgetting the WiFi network, go back to the WiFi settings and select the same network from the available list. Enter the correct password and tap on “Connect.” Your Samsung Galaxy A12 will attempt to establish a connection with the WiFi network again.

4. Reset Network Settings

If forgetting and reconnecting to the WiFi network didn’t work, you can try resetting the network settings on your Samsung Galaxy A12. This action will remove all saved WiFi networks, Bluetooth connections, and other network-related settings, so be prepared to set them up again. Follow these steps:

4.1 Access Network Settings

Open the Settings app on your Samsung Galaxy A12. Scroll down and select the “General Management” or “System” option, depending on your device’s configuration. Look for “Reset” or “Reset Network Settings” and tap on it.

4.2 Reset Network Settings

Within the network settings, you’ll find an option to reset network settings. Tap on it, and you’ll be prompted to confirm the action. Once you confirm, your Samsung Galaxy A12 will reset all network-related settings to their default configurations.

4.3 Reconnect to WiFi Network

After resetting the network settings, you need to reconnect to the WiFi network as if it were a new connection. Find the network in the WiFi settings, enter the password, and tap on “Connect.”

5. Contact Customer Support or Service Center

If none of the above methods resolved the issue of your Samsung Galaxy A12 not connecting to WiFi, it’s advisable to reach out to the Samsung customer support team or visit an authorized service center. They have specialized knowledge and tools to diagnose and fix complex hardware or software-related problems.


Experiencing difficulties when connecting your Samsung Galaxy A12 to WiFi networks can be frustrating. You have a good chance of resolving the issue. Start by checking the WiFi network and router, then proceed with basic troubleshooting, forgetting and reconnecting to the network, resetting network settings, and, if necessary, contacting customer support. With persistence and patience, you’ll likely regain a stable WiFi connection on your Samsung Galaxy A12 and continue to enjoy its features and online capabilities.