Guide for Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 GPS GPS Not Working

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This article endeavors to unravel the mysteries behind the Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 GPS not working issue, offering a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to help users navigate through the problem.

Understanding the Quandary

Before embarking on the troubleshooting journey, comprehending the potential triggers behind the GPS malfunction on the Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 is paramount. The issue could stem from software hiccups, hardware malfunctions, or misconfigured settings. Identifying the root cause is the first step towards an effective resolution.

1. Software Quandaries and Updates

The software orchestrating the symphony of your Galaxy Tab A9 is pivotal for GPS functionality. If the issue is software-related, a simple yet powerful solution involves updating your device’s software to the latest version. Manufacturers routinely release updates to rectify bugs and elevate overall performance, including GPS precision.


  1. Navigate to “Settings” on your Galaxy Tab A9.
  2. Scroll down and select “Software Update.”
  3. Initiate the update process by tapping “Download and Install.”
  4. Once the update concludes, perform a restart.

2. Location Services Settings

Incorrect location services settings can throw a spanner into the works. Ensuring that location services are not only enabled but also configured correctly is pivotal for apps and services to access your location seamlessly.


  1. Embark on a journey to “Settings” on your tablet.
  2. Select the realm of “Biometrics and Security.”
  3. Dive into “Location” and ensure it’s in the “on” position.
  4. Further refine accuracy by enabling “Wi-Fi scanning” and “Bluetooth scanning.”

3. GPS Signal Obstructions

Sometimes, the culprit behind the GPS conundrum is good old interference. Obstacles or signals from other electronic devices can muddle the GPS reception, leading to inaccurate data or a complete shutdown.


  1. Relocate to an open expanse with an unobstructed view of the sky.
  2. Steer clear of towering structures and dense greenery.
  3. Disable competing signals, such as Bluetooth devices, that might be playing interference.

4. Resetting Location Settings

When all else fails, resetting location settings to default may untangle the web of complications, eradicating potential conflicts.


  1. Navigate to “Settings.”
  2. Venture into “Biometrics and Security.”
  3. Tread into the realm of “Location.”
  4. Descend into “Advanced settings.”
  5. Opt for a location settings reset.

5. The Hardware Conundrum

In the realm of troubleshooting, hardware issues are the Gordian knots. If the GPS problem persists, it might be indicative of a malfunctioning GPS module or a loose connection, especially if the tablet has endured a rough encounter with gravity or moisture.


  1. Seek the Sanctuary of Samsung Support: If your device is still under the wings of warranty, reaching out to Samsung support is the prudent path. They might extend a helping hand through repair or replacement, depending on the gravity of the situation.


Resurrecting the GPS on your Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 demands a systematic approach, embracing a spectrum from software upgrades to scrutinizing hardware integrity. By following the well-trodden path of troubleshooting delineated in this guide, users can dissect the issue and pave the way for the resumption of GPS functionality.