Unveiling the Mystery of Motorola Moto G84 Ghost Touch

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This article delves into the causes behind the Motorola Moto G84 Ghost Touch, explores potential solutions, and shares user experiences dealing with this enigmatic problem.

Understanding Ghost Touch:

Ghost touch refers to the erratic and involuntary touchscreen responses that occur without any physical input from the user. In the case of Motorola Moto G84, users have reported instances where the screen behaves as if it has a mind of its own, registering taps, swipes, or other gestures without any direct interaction.

Causes of Ghost Touch:

Several factors can contribute to the occurrence of ghost touch on smartphones, and the Motorola Moto G84 is no exception.

  1. Hardware Issues: Ghost touch problems can often be attributed to hardware malfunctions. Faulty touchscreens, loose connectors, or issues with the digitizer can lead to erratic behavior.
  2. Software Glitches: In some cases, software bugs or glitches may trigger ghost touch problems. This could be due to outdated software, incompatible apps, or issues with the device’s firmware.
  3. Electromagnetic Interference: External factors such as electromagnetic interference from nearby electronic devices can interfere with the touchscreen functionality, resulting in ghost touch.
  4. Overheating: Excessive heat can affect the performance of the touchscreen, leading to ghost touch issues. Overheating may be caused by prolonged usage or demanding applications.

User Experiences: Understanding the user perspective is crucial in addressing and resolving smartphone issues. Numerous Motorola Moto G84 users have shared their experiences with ghost touch problems.

  1. Frustration and Inconvenience: Users have expressed frustration over the inconvenience caused by ghost touch. Whether typing a message, browsing the web, or playing games, unexpected touchscreen inputs disrupt the user experience.
  2. Frequency of Occurrence: Some users report occasional ghost touch incidents, while others face more frequent occurrences. The inconsistency of the problem makes it challenging to pinpoint a specific cause.
  3. Impact on Daily Tasks: Ghost touch issues impact various daily tasks, from making calls to capturing photos. Users have shared instances of unintentional actions triggered by the ghost touch, leading to unintended consequences.

Possible Solutions: Addressing ghost touch on the Motorola Moto G84 requires a systematic approach. While some solutions may involve user actions, others may require technical intervention.

  1. Software Updates: Ensure that your device’s software is up-to-date. Manufacturers often release updates to address known issues, including touchscreen problems. Check for and install the latest software version for your Motorola Moto G84.
  2. App Compatibility: Some ghost touch problems may arise from incompatible or poorly optimized third-party applications. Uninstalling or updating problematic apps could resolve touchscreen issues.
  3. Calibration: The touchscreen calibration may become skewed over time. Android devices typically have built-in calibration tools in the settings. Recalibrating the touchscreen might help address ghost touch problems.
  4. Safe Mode: Booting the device in safe mode can help identify if the ghost touch issue is caused by a third-party app. If the problem doesn’t occur in safe mode, it indicates that an installed app is likely the culprit.
  5. Factory Reset: Performing a factory reset is a more drastic measure, but it can be effective in resolving software-related issues. Ensure to back up your data before proceeding with a factory reset, as it erases all user data.
  6. Professional Assistance: If software solutions prove ineffective, seeking professional assistance is recommended. Authorized service centers can diagnose and address potential hardware issues that may be causing the ghost touch problem.


The Motorola Moto G84 Ghost Touch issue is undoubtedly a perplexing and frustrating experience for users. By understanding the potential causes, exploring user experiences, and implementing possible solutions, users can take steps to mitigate or resolve the problem. As technology evolves, it’s crucial for manufacturers to continue addressing such issues through software updates and responsive customer support, ensuring a smoother and more reliable user experience for smartphone enthusiasts.