Troubleshooting Guide: Motorola Moto G Pure Won’t Connect to PC

Motorola Moto G Pure

This article aims to provide a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to help you resolve this issue. We will explore various potential causes and offer step-by-step solutions to ensure a seamless connection between your Moto G Pure and PC.

Understanding the Problem:

Before diving into the troubleshooting steps, it is essential to understand the problem thoroughly. When your Moto G Pure fails to connect to your PC, it means you cannot transfer files, perform backups, or utilize other functions that rely on the connection. This can be frustrating, especially if you frequently rely on your PC for file management or data synchronization. By following the steps outlined below, you will increase the chances of resolving this issue and restoring the connection.

Common Causes for Connection Issues:

  1. Faulty USB cable or port: A damaged or defective USB cable or port can prevent your Moto G Pure from establishing a stable connection with your PC.
  2. USB Debugging disabled: USB Debugging mode must be enabled on your Moto G Pure to establish a connection with a PC.
  3. Missing or outdated Motorola USB drivers: Without the necessary drivers installed, your PC may fail to recognize and communicate with your Moto G Pure.
  4. Operating system and software compatibility: Outdated operating systems or incompatible software versions on your PC can hinder the connection.
  5. Power-saving mode: Some power-saving settings on your Moto G Pure can limit or disable USB connectivity.
  6. Defective USB port on the PC: The USB port you are using on your PC might be damaged or not functioning correctly.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Check USB Cable and Ports: The first step is to inspect both the USB cable and the ports on your Moto G Pure and PC. Make sure the cable is not frayed, and the ports are clean and free from debris. Try using a different USB cable and connect to different USB ports on your PC to rule out any physical issues.
  2. Enable USB Debugging: To enable USB Debugging on your Moto G Pure, go to “Settings,” then tap “About phone.” Locate the “Build number” and tap it seven times to activate Developer Options. Now, go back to the main settings menu, select “Developer options,” and enable “USB Debugging.”
  3. Install Motorola USB Drivers:Visit the official Motorola website and download the latest USB drivers for your Moto G Pure model. Install the drivers on your PC and restart the computer to ensure proper installation.
  4. Restart Your Devices: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve connectivity issues. Restart both your Moto G Pure and your PC, then attempt to reconnect.
  5. Update Operating System and Software: Ensure that your Moto G Pure’s operating system and your PC’s software are up to date. Install any pending updates on both devices, as they often include bug fixes and improvements related to connectivity.
  6. Disable Power Saving Mode: Power-saving mode on your Moto G Pure may limit USB connectivity. Disable this mode by going to “Settings,” then “Battery” or “Power,” and toggle off any power-saving options that might affect USB functionality.
  7. Try a Different USB Port and Cable: If you are still unable to connect, try using a different USB port on your PC and another compatible USB cable. Faulty ports or cables can cause connection problems.
  8. Reset USB Preferences: Resetting the USB preferences on your Moto G Pure can help re-establish the connection. Go to “Settings,” then “System,” and select “Reset options.” Tap on “Reset USB preferences” and confirm the action.
  9. Use a Third-Party File Transfer App: If none of the previous steps have resolved the issue, consider using a third-party file transfer app like AirDroid, Pushbullet, or Snapdrop. These apps provide alternative methods for transferring files between your Moto G Pure and PC wirelessly.
  10. Contact Motorola Support: If all else fails, it is advisable to reach out to Motorola support for further assistance. Their technical support team can guide you through additional troubleshooting steps or offer a solution specific to your situation.


Experiencing connectivity issues between your Motorola Moto G Pure and PC can be frustrating, but with the help of this troubleshooting guide, you should be able to identify and resolve the problem. Remember to check your USB cable and ports, enable USB Debugging, install the necessary USB drivers, and keep your operating system and software up to date. By above steps and considering the various causes of connection issues, you will likely regain the ability to connect your Moto G Pure to your PC effortlessly.