Google Pixel 6 Pro Slow Charging? An Effective Guide to Fix Them!

Google Pixel 6 Pro

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the reasons for slow charging issues on your Google Pixel 6 Pro and offer you tips to resolve them, leading to faster charging and a more efficient phone.

Tips to Solve Google Pixel 6 Pro Slow Charging Issues

1. Check the Charging Cable and Adapter:

Ensure that you use the original charging cable and adapter that came along with your Google Pixel 6 Pro. Check the charging cable and adapter for any visible harm. Bent or frayed cables can eventually impact charging overall performance. If damage is detected, change the cable or adapter to a new, undamaged one.

2. Clean the Charging Port:

Over time, dirt and particles can get collected within the charging port, affecting the connection and charging speed. Gently use compressed air or a small brush to clean the charging port cautiously.

3. Background Apps:

Running more than one app in the background simultaneously can use up resources, impacting charging speed. Close unnecessary apps from the app menu to free up space for faster charging.

4. Battery Health:

Your Pixel 6 Pro may additionally have features to display battery health. Check your device’s settings for battery health or install from Play Store, and check if any diagnostics can assist in improving charging standard performance.

5. Toggle Airplane Mode:

Turn on Airplane Mode on your Google Pixel 6 Pro during charging. This motion disables cellular and Wi-Fi connections, minimizing background processes and apps that might slow down the charging process.

6. Check Battery Usage:

Examine the battery usage statistics within your Google Pixel 6 Pro settings to know which application is taking up most battery. Uninstall or restrict the use of those apps to optimize your Pixel device performance, along with charging speed rate.

7. Charge your Google Pixel 6 Pro in Safe Mode:

Boot your Google Pixel 6 Pro into Safe Mode, this mode disables the third-party app. Identify and uninstall that app for faster charging.

8. Restart Your Google Pixel 6 Pro:

Perform a reset for your Google Pixel 6 Pro by switching it off and on again after a few minutes. This easy step can remove glitches and might assist in improving charging levels.

9. Avoid Overheating:

Charging your Google Pixel 6 Pro in a heated environment can sluggish down the charging speed to prevent your Google Pixel 6 Pro from overheating. Ensure that your device is in a cool, well-ventilated area during the charging procedure.

10. Reset App Preferences:

In your Google Pixel 6 Pro settings, visit “System,” then “Reset,” and pick “Reset app alternatives.” This motion resets app settings to default, which may also moreover solve any app-associated issues affecting the charging speed.

11. Factory Reset your Google Pixel 6 Pro:

If nothing else works, doing a factory reset can get rid of software problems that are slowing down your phone’s charging process. Back up your vital data before going for a factory rest as it will remove all the data.


By implementing the tips mentioned in the guide, you can solve slow charging issues in your Google Pixel 6 Pro in a simple and quick way leading to enhanced overall performance.

Also read: Google Pixel 6 Pro Network Problems? Here’s How to Solve Them!