Fixing Slow Charging on Your Apple iPad Pro 12.9 (2022)

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This article aims to delve into the reasons behind the sluggish charging of Apple iPad Pro 12.9 (2022) and explore potential solutions to get your device back up to speed.

Understanding the Importance of Fast Charging:

Charging your devices quickly is a regular thing now. It means less waiting for them to charge, so we get more time to use them. The Apple iPad Pro 12.9 (2022) is built to be speedy, which is great for our busy days. But if it starts charging slowly, it can mess up our daily routines.

Common Causes of Slow Charging on Apple iPad Pro 12.9 (2022):

  1. Cable and Adapter Issues: The simplest explanation for slow charging is often the most overlooked. Using a worn-out or non-Apple-certified cable and adapter can significantly impact charging speed. Ensure you’re using the original charging accessories that came with your iPad Pro or invest in certified alternatives.
  2. Background Apps and Processes: Multitasking on the iPad Pro is a breeze, but having too many apps running in the background can strain your device’s resources and slow down the charging process. Double-check your open apps and close unnecessary ones while charging to optimize the speed.
  3. Software Updates: Apple frequently releases software updates that address performance and battery optimization. Neglecting these updates may result in slower charging times. Make sure your iPad Pro is running the latest version of iOS to benefit from any improvements in charging efficiency.
  4. Overheating Concerns: iPads, like any electronic device, can suffer from overheating, especially during resource-intensive tasks. When the device gets too hot, it may automatically throttle its charging speed to prevent damage. Avoid using your iPad Pro while charging, and ensure it’s in a well-ventilated space.

Solutions to Revive Your Charging Speed:

  1. Check Your Cable and Adapter: Start by inspecting your charging cable and adapter for any visible damage. If there are signs of wear and tear, it’s time to invest in a new, Apple-certified set. Avoid using third-party accessories to ensure optimal compatibility.
  2. Close Unnecessary Apps: Swipe through your open apps and close those you’re not actively using. This will free up system resources and allow your iPad Pro to focus on charging efficiently. Remember, multitasking is excellent, but moderation is key.
  3. Restart Your iPad: A simple restart can do wonders for electronic devices. Restart your iPad Pro to clear any temporary glitches or processes that might be hindering the charging speed. It’s a quick and easy solution that often resolves minor issues.
  4. Update to the Latest iOS Version: Navigate to your iPad’s settings and check for software updates. If there’s a new version of iOS available, download and install it. Apple regularly releases updates that enhance device performance, including charging speed.
  5. Manage Background Processes: Review the background processes running on your iPad Pro. Some apps may be consuming more power than necessary. Adjust the settings to limit background refresh for non-essential apps, preserving battery life and improving charging speed.
  6. Optimize Charging Environment: Charge your iPad Pro in a cool place with good airflow to avoid it getting too hot. If you have a case on it, take it off while charging to let the heat escape better.


In the fast-paced world of technology, encountering slow charging issues with your Apple iPad Pro 12.9 (2022) can be a frustrating experience. This article aimed to unravel the mystery behind sluggish charging and provided practical solutions to get your device back up to speed.